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Back to School

Welcome back HCAS!

The schoolyear began anew on August 10th, 2021. Everyone has returned bigger and better than ever. Kindergarteners joined the First Program, 4th Graders became Middle Schoolers, and 8th Graders became High Schoolers! We are elated to see our students growing up to become the kind, responsible, silly people they are proving to be. It was heartwarming to see them so excited to return to the classroom. We hope you had a fun summer and we are happy to have you all back.

COVID Protocol

As you know, COVID-19 is still racing against Taiwan. Though we are so close to the finish line, we are not there yet. We must all remain diligent to meet all COVID restrictions until we earn the victorious trophy of zero consecutive COVID cases. That means we must:

Wear masks at all times except when eating or drinking. When doing either of those things, please maintain a six-foot social distance between you and anyone else who is eating or drinking. Please also keep the chatter to a minimum. We know you want to eat lunch with the friends you missed so dearly over the summer, but we need to do our best to keep everyone healthy and happy.

As soon as students walk in the door, COVID protocol is put in place. No one is allowed in the school without both a temperature check and alcohol on their hands, sprayed by our security guard and whichever other staff member is on morning duty. Guardians, if you wish to visit campus, you must make a reservation as well as prove vaccination or a negative COVID test. We are going our best to keep our community safe.

New Student Orientation

All incoming students visited campus to get a feel for what their upcoming year is going to look like. Campus tours were given, teachers introduced themselves and their subjects, and new students got a chance to prepare themselves for the challenging but fun year ahead!

Back To School Night

HCAS hosted Back to School Night in August. The evening was held virtually to comply with COVID restrictions. Dedicated parents joined HCAS staff late in the evening to learn what our school is doing to make this year our best one yet. Thank you to all those who attended. To all those who didn’t, we’ll see you at our next one!



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