HCAS Fall Play: Stone Soup! Pleas join us for this wonderful production collaborated by the students and teachers.
Time: Friday / Oct. 25th / 7 PM Saturday / Oct. 26th / 2 PM
Location: Hsinchu County American School 5F Gym 189 Gaotie 2nd Rd. Zhubei City, Hsinchu County
Tickets will be on sale at the counter on the day of the performance.
HCAS 秋季舞台劇:Stone Soup 歡迎各位大朋友小朋友一同參與學生與老師精心準備的戲劇表演!
時間: 10/25 / 星期五 / 晚上七點 10/26 / 星期六 / 下午兩點
地點: 新竹縣美國學校五樓體育館 新竹縣竹北市高鐵二路189號